Beautiful pics of Jennifer Garner feet legs

Jennifer Garner, who was born and raised in Charleston West Virginia, on April 17, 1973 was born in Houston, Texas. William John Garner is her father. He worked as chemical engineer for Union Carbide. Patricia Ann Garner taught in an institution near to her. In order to follow in the footsteps of her father, she earned a chemical engineering degree. Because she wished to become an actress she went to New York. When she was not appearing in Broadway shows, she was employed as a waitress. She was in a guest role on the television series "Felicity." The show is here she became acquainted with Scott Foley, her first husband. Her breakthrough came with the action-thriller "Alias." Her first lead role was in the highly acclaimed romantic comedy "13 going on thirty." She portrayed an teen who was stuck in the body of the 30-year-old. Garner decided to choose Gary Winick to direct the film; they were looking at other projects together until his death in 2011. Garner earned the honorary title of an artist ambassador for Save the Children U.S.A. The job entails the promotion of national education, nutrition, and literacy as well as early learning. Garner has been a member of the board for the non-profit group since the year 2014. She is a proponent of early childhood education. As a spokesperson, she travels frequently with families that belong to Early Steps to School Success the program which trains parents in how to assist the children in learning.

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